Saturday, 7 February 2009

Have you ever.........

made a card that you just couldn't bear to send to the person you originally made it for? I'm ashamed to say it happened to me recently. Everything just seemed to come together so well, that in the end, I can't bear to part with it. Maybe the solution is to sell it to my DH then he can give it to me on my birthday and I'll get to keep it for ever?!!


Ang C said...

Its a gorgeous card - no wonder you don't want to part with it

If I have made something that I just can't bear to part with I would make a replica so that I could send one and keep one

sam21ski said...

No wonder youc an't bare to part with it, it's fab. Why don't you frame it? That's what I would do xxxxx

Beccy said...

Stunning card,I would want to keep it too.

ju said...


mommabear said...

great card I love oriental